by Melanie Farmer | Articles
The zodiacal symbol of Sagittarius is a half-human/ half-horse with a bow and arrow. The symbol is graphic representing an integrated bony spine and nervous system; the joining of horse and human. This integrated horse-human is symbolic of a great healing between...
by Melanie Farmer | Articles
The Aswini are luminal, twin Vedic deities giving spiritual strength. One twin fills the universe with light while the other twin with fluidity. The Aswini represent the dawn, the stage between night and first breaking of light. They guide our transcendent quest for...
by Melanie Farmer | Articles
Funny how dried balls of manure can look just like so many hundreds of rocks. These tricky and deceptive rock push themselves up out of the ground in Oakland’s pasture on a daily basis. There are hundreds if not thousands of these ancient things laying around and I...
by Melanie Farmer | Articles
In the foot hills of Fall City, Washington, along the old Snoqualmie railroad grade, there is a great network of trails. On any given day, mountain bikers, equestrians, hikers and joggers, trace their way along the grade. Arteries of trails branch off the grade into...